Künstliche Intelligenz für Campus-Kommunikation


globecom 2022

KICK @ Globecom 2022

Industrial presentations IP4/IP23/IP24​

      Machine Learning for Industrial Wireless Communications: Theory, Simulations and Practice​

      Speakers: Ilaria Malanchini, Nokia, Nikolaj Marchenko, Bosch, Alberto Martínez Alba, Siemens​

Demo DM6​

      Network QoS Prediction in Industrial Campus Network Optimization​

      Janne Ali-Tolppa, Rastin Pries, Nokia, Nikolaj Marchenko, Bosch, Patrick Agostini, HHI, Michael Baumgart, Infosim​

Several papers​

      T. Hu, Q. Liao, Q. Liu, G. Carle, "Network Slicing via Transfer Learning aided Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE GLOBECOM 2022.​

      Q. Liao, N. Marchenko, T. Hu, L. Ewe and P. Kulics, "HARU: Haptic Augmented Reality-Assisted User-Centric Industrial Network Planning", IEEE GLOBECOM
      Workshop 2022.​

      A. Lieto, Q. Liao, C. Bauer, “A Generative Approach for Production-Aware Industrial Network Traffic Modeling”, accepted at IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop

      A. Martines-Alba, N. Michailow, “Uncertainty boosted radio map based indoor positioning with RSSI fingerprints”, accepted at IEEE GLOBECOM
      Workshop 2022.​

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KICK White Paper

Leveraging Machine Learning for Industrial Wireless Communications
Two main trends characterize today’s communication landscape and are finding their way into industrial facilities: the rollout of 5G with its distinct support for vertical industries and the increasing success of machine learning (ML). The combination of those two technologies open the doors to many exciting industrial applications more

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Bosch puts first 5G campus network into operation

5G to be deployed in Bosch plants worldwide
Bosch is putting its first 5G campus network into operation. At its Industry 4.0 lead plant in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, the company aims to manufacture under previously unheard-of conditions, with data being transferred extremely reliably and ultra-fast, and machines reacting almost instantaneously. For the first time, wireless implementation will be possible for critical applications that require absolute precision and safety. Without exception, people and machines will be able to cooperate safely and without barriers. “5G strengthens our competitiveness and lets us make even more of Industry 4.0’s potential,” says Dr. Michael Bolle, board of management member and CDO/CTO at Bosch. “We will gradually roll 5G out to our roughly 250 plants around the world.” The locations where Bosch will be setting up 5G networks in the coming months include its research campus in Renningen, Germany. The company is also developing 5G-capable products and launching its first solutions for industrial use.

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Über das Projekt KICK


Das Projekt Künstliche Intelligenz für Campus-Kommunikation (KICK) ist ein vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanziertes Forschungsprojekt, aus der Bekanntmachung Künstliche Intelligenz in Kommunikationsnetzen, das die Anwendbarkeit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in zukünftigen privaten und öffentlichen 5G Campus-Netwerken erforscht.



mio Euro



mio Euro




01.2020 - 12.2022

Projekt Partner

Industrie & Forschung


Das Ziel von KICK ist es, den Betrieb von künftigen 5G-Campus-Netzen durch den Einsatz von KI-Methoden signifikant zu vereinfachen und zu verbessern. Im Fokus stehen hierbei Industrie 4.0-Umgebungen mit ihren hohen Zuverlässigkeits- und Latenzanforderungen. Konkret wird für das taktische und operative Management und die Steuerung von solchen Kommunikationsnetzen unter Berücksichtigung der beschränkten Kommunikations- und Rechenressourcen ein KI-Rahmenwerk entwickelt und untersucht. Zum einen beinhalten die Forschungsarbeiten die Definition von Anforderungen an KI-Algorithmen sowie die Identifizierung geeigneter Daten und Datenformate. Zum anderen werden Fragen behandelt, die das Trainieren, Anpassen, Komprimieren, Austauschen und die Interaktion von KI-Algorithmen betreffen. Um die hohen Anforderungen industrieller Anwendungen zu erfüllen, werden hybride, d.h. daten- und modellbasierte, Lösungsansätze verfolgt sowie Daten aus der Produktion mit Daten aus den Kommunikationsnetzen verknüpft. Transfer Learning auf Basis einer KI-Netzzustandserkennung wird genutzt, um adäquates Verhalten auch auf der Basis ähnlicher Situationen bzw. ähnlicher logischer Netzinstanzen abzuleiten. Somit werden eine robuste, fortlaufende Konfiguration, Optimierung und Fehlerbehandlung ermöglicht und so das Potenzial von Campus-Netzen und von vernetzen Industrie 4.0-Anlagen voll ausgeschöpft. Dabei stützt sich das Projekt auf experimentelle Arbeiten mit realen Kommunikations- und Produktionsdaten aus einer echten Fabrikumgebung. Auch die Demonstration der erzielten Automatisierungsvorteile erfolgt beispielhaft in einer solchen Umgebung.

User Stories

KICK AG, a leading producer of intelligent and autonomous machine tools has a modern production sites and is very successful in their market domain. All sites belonging to KICK AG are equipped with the latest automation devices, a modern industrial Ethernet based on TSC and a private 5G campus network. Everything works smoothly with high efficiency. Much work for operation is done by different groups, e.g., the campus network is managed and operated by an external company, the devices and SW functions in the factory have external support or may be leased products, i.e., in a pay-as-you-use fashion and several applications use in-device or edge-cloud and external cloud-based services.

Production Line Upgrade

To be able to fulfill the high demand and extend the production capacity and flexibility, the management decides to acquire a less modern factory hall which needs to be updated to fulfill all the company standards. In the course of site modernization, the following steps are planned. First, 3D maps of both operating and empty factory halls are created. Afterwards, the network planning can be carried out smoothly, thanks to the innovative AR enabled 3D network planning tool, where in real time a map of the campus is overlapped to the network deployment, showing propagation condition and specific KPIs distribution, such as a reliability map of the factory hall. This way, the best access point locations are automatically detected. Once the network is deployed, the service accessibility in each planned machine location is verified and supported by the creation of a digital twin of the factory line. Finally, old existing machines are retrofitted by means of digitalization and connection to 5G network whenever possible.

After performing the upgrade, it is planned to order and install a new large device, namely a 3D printer, which requires changing also the position of nearby machines as well as guaranteeing connection to those. There is also a risk that the device – due to its size – changes radio reception conditions in the surroundings.

As a first step, the device must be integrated into the IT infrastructure (including network), the production and internal logistics processes. Due to its large size, the introduction of the new device changes the wireless propagation properties of the factory hall. On the other hand, the frequent interaction with other devices in terms of both information exchange and material flow changes the network traffic pattern. The 5G campus solution provided by KICK automatically recognizes the changes and adapts to the new situation. In summary, different from former days, where the installation of new large devices and machines as well as changes in the production line would have caused long periods of interruption in the production processes, thanks to the innovative solutions, such interruption times can be shortened to a fast and easy re-planning and re-configuration of the network.

Finally, the factory owner can control operations using an AI/ML based analysis tool which monitors data/logs in real time to ensure that the system works as expected and all the external parties comply to security rules and provide the service in the expected quality. After putting the device into service, the AI-based monitoring system proposes post-optimizations, warns for potential pitfalls, anomalies and visualizes the system health.

In summary, the truly plug&work solution will provide the following benefits:

  • Virtual commissioning allows to “install and test” changes in the factory hall, e.g. deployment of a new device, in the digital twin of the factory.
  • New devices are automatically detected and connected to the enterprise network via 5G (or Time Sensitive Network) and are smoothly integrated into the campus network.
  • Thanks to the AI-based radio management, the 5G network is adapted on the fly without noticeable impact on the adjacent devices.
  • In case physical changes to the network are needed, such as installing or moving an access point, or changing the configurations of the access point, an augmented reality tool is available to guide the workers into the process.
  • Intelligent middleware components integrate the new device into the production and make the onboarding as easy as possible.
  • The integration process can be monitored and controlled over an easy-to-use graphical user interface.

Intralogistics and Mobile Robotics

Peter Production Planner is working on the digitization of the factory floor to improve the product throughput and to reduce the number of customer complaints. Any ordered good is already tracked before it arrives at the KICK AG factory hall. To ensure a smooth unloading of trucks, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are pre-scheduled and informed about the routes before the truck arrives. In addition, the communication network is configured such that the new devices can be seamlessly integrated, while still keeping security constraints such as isolation by means of network slicing. To ensure faultless goods, an automated scanning of the boxes with the goods is initiated upon arrival. The AGVs automatically load the goods and follow their path from the factory entrance to the machines for further processing.

Peter Production Planner must guarantee that AGVs arrive safely and fast at the machines. Therefore, he ensures that the navigation is not influenced by shadowed areas and that the maps (factory floor and radio maps), a kind of digital twin of the factory, are constantly updated. With these real-time maps, anomalies, such as a dropped load can be detected and also broken AGV can be identified and maintained/serviced remotely. In case of such an incident, other AGVs are automatically redirected. As the weight of the goods might exceed the maximum cargo capacity of an AGV, a virtual compound/platoon of AGVs is formed, that lets the AGVs cooperatively navigate through the factory. Furthermore, the AGVs are constantly monitoring for alarms, in which case they vacate the premises in a pre-planned manner to allow for unobstructed operations for the first responders.

To ensure a smooth transition from the AGV to the machines, where the goods are processed, a communication link between the goods and the machines is set up and the machines get their processing instructions. During the processing of the goods, the tags of the different components are combined so that the final product only has a single tag for identification and communication. In case of a machine outage, the production process is automatically rescheduled (to a spare machine, other processing step) and the AGVs are redirected accordingly.

Before the products are picked up by the AGVs, an automated, offloaded quality control ensures compliance with the high-quality standards of Peter and the KICK AG. The AGVs transport the products from the machines to an intermediate storage, where they are packed and stored. During the navigation of the AGVs, they are constantly monitored, which helps Peter Production Planner to predict AGV outage and consequently increase the efficiency/rentability of his production process. In addition, the AGVs also help to detect anomalies caused by jamming or some other unusual interference. A final security check ensures that the products and their surrounding boxes are not damaged before they are loaded by the AGVs onto the trucks.

In summary, the efficient intralogistics and mobile robotics solution will provide the following benefits:

  • Speed up of production process due to increased automation
  • Identification and report of white spots in the factory hall
  • Automatic network adjustment to ensure high QoS for AGVs
  • Automatic update of digital twin as well as anomaly detection based on continuous network measurements of the AGVs
  • Product tracking throughout the entire production process.

Data Analysis and Predictive Maintenance

The KICK AG successfully implemented the industry 4.0 in their smart factory. A part of their success lies in the fact that, contrary to the competitors, they are able to handle the enormous amount of data generated by the individual intelligent machine, ERP-system and 5G campus network.

The KICK AG  is not only collecting data, but also continuously analyze it with the help of AI algorithms to gather several information from the single raw data source such as anomaly detection. Thus, in the case of detected anomalies, the AI system lists the root causes of the anomaly and the employee in the smart factory receives an alarm that an anomaly has been identified. At the same time to avoid any damage to the machine, the system degrades the machines automatically to “limited operation”. The employee goes to the UI and looks for the causes and the expected impact of the identified anomaly and checks if any countermeasures are already available for that. If there is no any solution defined against the identified anomaly and no expert  is available at the site, the employee uses his AR glasses for the help of the remote expert to fix the problem. Since there is a strong interconnection between the network management and the production environment, and the network management is also aware of the problem, they provide the required network  resources for the AR usage. The help of the remote expert enables a smooth and fast resumption of machine operation without any significant production downtime. After resolving the anomaly with the remote expert, the solution is added in the available solutions pool against the identified anomaly. In this way the solution database also gets stronger in the course of time.

The benefits of data analysis and predictive maintenance can be summarized as below

  • Automated anomaly detection
  • No or minimal downtime by limiting the functionality instead of complete stop
  • Faster resolution of the problem either from existing solution or remote support



Koordination und das technische Management des Projektes. Koordination übernimmt Nokia-S  und technisches Management übernimmt das HHI.


Definition von Anwendungsfällen für industrielle, nicht öffentliche Netze sowie deren Analyse bezüglich Anforderungen an die KI. Auswahl geeigneter KI-Funktionalitäten, welche in AP3 und AP4 auf die Anwendungsfälle hin optimiert werden. Schnittstellendefinition zur Datengewinnung aus nicht öffentlichen Kommunikationsnetzen innerhalb von echten Produktionsumgebungen, sowie Produktionsdaten zur Generierung von Kontextinformationen sind auch Gegenstand des APs. Entwicklung von Systemmodellen für einen Cyber-physical Netzsimulator zur Bereitstellung synthetischer Trainingsdaten.


Entwicklung und Leistungsbewertung von KI-basierten Algorithmen zum Einsatz bei geplanten Veränderungen in Kommunikationsnetzen und in Produktionsumgebungen. Erfassung und Beschreibung des Ist-Zustandes komplexer industrieller Kommunikationssysteme inklusive relevanter Echtwelteinflüsse auf Basis einzelner Messpunkte die als Grundlage späterer Optimierung dienen sollen. Bei der Optimierung soll insbesondere von bereits vorhandenem Wissen profitiert werden. So soll KI-gestützt eine Bewertung der Auswirkungen einer Optimierungsmaßnahme getroffen werden, Fehlerquellen identifiziert werden und aus vorangegangenen Rekonfigurationen mittels Transfer Learning Wissen auf neue Situationen übertragen werden. Eine Herausforderung im industriellen Umfeld ist hier die Integration von Expertenwissen aus den Bereichen Kommunikation und Produktion sowie unterschiedlichster Datenquellen und Modelle in ein robustes Gesamtsystem. AP3 nutzt in AP2 entwickelte Simulationen sowie Methoden und Schnittstellen für das Sammeln von Messdaten. Ausgewählte KI Methoden werden in AP5 mit prototypischen Systemen demonstriert.


Entwicklung von Management- und Orchestrierungsfunktionen bzw. Algorithmen, die das operative Netzmanagement von Campus-Netzen durch KI-basierte Methoden automatisieren. Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Besonderheiten und Anwendungsfällen des operativen Campus-Netzmanagements. Häufigen Rekonfigurationen der gesamten Infrastruktur müssen hier berücksichtigt werden die nicht nur das taktische Netzwerkmanagement beinflussen, sondern auch die operativen Managementfunktionen.  Diese müssen insbesondere robust gegen Veränderungen des Kontextes sein. Die KI-Modelle müssen robust gegen Veränderungen sein und sollen mittels „Transfer Learning“-Methoden schneller an Umrüstungen angepasst werden. 


Gewinnung von Messdaten in möglichst realen Anwendungsszenarien zum Trainieren und Evaluieren der zu entwickelnden KI-Verfahren in AP 3 und 4. Realisierung ausgewählter Anwendungsfälle in einer realen Umgebung im Sinne eines Proof-of-Concept, bei denen verschiedene Aspekte von potenziell unterschiedlichen Partnern (z.B. verschiedene KI-Verfahren) ineinandergreifen. Qualitative und – soweit möglich – quantitative Evaluierung der erzielbaren Verbesserungen im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik.


Maßnahmen zur Bekanntmachung des Projektes und Ergebnisse und für KICK gewinnbringend mit passenden Projekten und Gremien, z.B. im Zusammenhang mit Standardisierungsaktivitäten, zu verknüpfen. Angestrebt werden Publikationen, Panel(s), Workshop(s), Demo(s) oder Poster auf einschlägigen Flaggschiffkonferenzen wie z.B. der IEEE Globecom, ICC, NOMS/IM, NIPS etc. Derartige Aktivitäten werden nicht gefördert, aber trotzdem verfolgt, da sie im Interesse des Konsortiums sind.

KICK Releases

KICK Industrial Process Simulator

Framework for simulating industrial processes with respective campus network communication

Generative models for industrial traffic based on real factory data:

Pretrained generated models for production-aware industrial network traffic modeling


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  • W. Jiang and H. D. Schotten, "Deep Learning for Fading Channel Prediction." IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 1, pp. 320-332, 2020.
  • W. Jiang and H. D. Schotten, "A Deep Learning Method to Predict Fading Channel in Multi-Antenna Systems," IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 2020.
  • W. Jiang and H. D. Schotten, "Recurrent Neural Networks with Long Short-Term Memory for Fading Channel Prediction," IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 2020.
  • Q. Zhou, W. Jiang and H. D. Schotten, "Implementation of Open Air Interface-based real-world channel measurement for evaluating wireless transmission algorithms," NGNA workshop, December 2020.


  • K. Komuro, M. Yukawa, and R. L. G. Cavalcante, "Distributed Sparse Optimization with Minimax Concave Regularization," IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, July 2021.
  • T. Hu and Q. Liao, "Real-Time Camera Localization with Deep Learning and Sensor Fusion," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2021.
  • W. Jiang and Hans D. Schotten, "Predictive Relay Selection: A Cooperative Diversity Scheme Using Deep Learning," IEEE WCNC 2021.


  • M. Zambianco, A. Lieto, I. Malanchini and G. Verticale, "A Learning Approach for Production-Aware5G Slicing in Private Industrial Networks", accepted at IEEE ICC 2022.
  • H. Tianlun, Q. Liao, D. Wellington and G. Carle, "Inter-Cell Slicing Resource Partitioning via Coordinated Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE ICC 2022 (Best paper award).
  • W. Jiang and Hans D. Schotten, "Initial Access for Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Communications with Hybrid Beamforming," IEEE ICC 2022.
  • P. Agostini, E. Tohidi, M. Kasparick and S. Stanczak, "Learning Application Aware Policies for Network Slicing", IEEE ICC 2022.
  • P. Agostini, Z. Utkovski and S. Stanczak, "Not-too-Deep Channel Charting (N2D-CC).", accepted at IEEE WCNC 2022.
  • D. Preciado, M. Kasparick, R.L.G. Cavalcante and S. Stanczak, "SON Functions Coordination in Campus Networks Using Machine Learning", accepted at IEEE WCNC 2022.
  • Q. Zhou, W. Jiang, D. Wang and Hans D. Schotten, "Deep Learning-based Signal-to-noise Ratio Prediction For Realistic Wireless Communication," IEEE VTC 2022.
  • Q. Zhou, W. Jiang, D. Wang and Hans D. Schotten, "Performance Evaluation over DL-Based Channel Prediction Algorithm on Realistic CSI," IEEE VTC 2022.
  • W. Jiang and Hans D. Schotten, "Multi-User Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Communications Under Discrete Phase Shifts," IEEE CQR 2022
  • Q. Liao, T. Hu and N. Marchenko, "Augmented Reality-Empowered Network Planning Services for Private Networks", EuCNC 2022.
  • P. Agostini, "Application Aware Network Management in Industrial Campus Networks", EuCNC 2022.
  • Volkmar Döricht, "Communications in an "Embodied AI" Future," EuCNC 2022.
  • A. Lieto, S. Strzyz, P. Agostini, T. Hu, "A Joint Industrial-Network Simulator for Leveraging Automation in 5G Private Networks", European Wireless 2022.
  • N. Marchenko, J. Ali-Tolppa, O. D. R. Cantor, P. Agostini and R. Pries, "5G QoS Prediction and Application Offloading," in European Wireless 2022.
  • T. Hu, Q. Liao, Q. Liu, G. Carle, "Network Slicing via Transfer Learning aided Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE GLOBECOM 2022.
  • Q. Liao, N. Marchenko, T. Hu, L. Ewe and P. Kulics, "HARU: Haptic Augmented Reality-Assisted User-Centric Industrial Network Planning", IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop 2022.
  • A. Lieto, Q. Liao, C. Bauer, "A Generative Approach for Production-Aware Industrial Network Traffic Modeling", accepted at IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop 2022.
  • A. Martines-Alba, N. Michailow, "Uncertainty boosted radio map based indoor positioning with RSSI fingerprints", accepted at IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop 2022.
  • Ilaria Malanchini, Patrick Agostini, Khurshid Alam, Janne Ali Tolppa, Michael Baumgart, Martin Kasparick, Qi Liao, Fabian Lipp, Nikolaj Marchenko, Nicola Michailow, Rastin Pries, Hans D. Schotten, Slawomir Stanczak, Stanislaw Strzyz, "Machine Learning for Industrial Wireless Communications," Wireless Congress 2022, Munich Germany.


Dr. Ilaria Malanchini
Senior Research Engineer
Network System and Security Research
Nokia Bell Labs

Mobile: +49 175 7266815
E-mail: Ilaria.Malanchini (at)

Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG
Magirusstraße 8, 70469 Stuttgart
Sitz der Gesellschaft: München / Registered office: Munich
Registergericht: München / Commercial registry: Munich, HRA 88537
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 52984304


Dr. Ilaria Malanchini
Senior Research Engineer
Network System and Security Research
Nokia Bell Labs

Mobile: +49 175 7266815
E-mail: Ilaria.Malanchini (at)

Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG
Magirusstraße 8, 70469 Stuttgart
Sitz der Gesellschaft: München / Registered office: Munich
Registergericht: München / Commercial registry: Munich, HRA 88537
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 52984304
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin / General Partner: Nokia Solutions and Networks Management GmbH
Geschäftsleitung / Board of Directors: Dr. Wolfgang Hackenberg, Ralf Niederberger
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats / Chairman of supervisory board: Hans-Jürgen Bill
Sitz der Gesellschaft: München / Registered office: Munich
Registergericht: München / Commercial registry: Munich, HRB 163416

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